Blox, Inc. announced the completion of field activities associated with a detailed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), which concludes a significant stage toward obtaining a Mining License for the Mansounia Gold Project in Guinea. The Mansounia Gold Project is part of a 145km2 concession located within the sub-prefecture of Kiniero, in the prefecture of Kouroussa, which is approximately 50 km west of the capital of the administrative region - Kankan, in the North East of Guinea. The Mansounia Gold Project has a Mineral Resource Estimate of 1.29Moz (in accordance with the JORC guidelines and code for the Reporting or Mineral Resource Estimates, 2011). The ESIA document is used to communicate and discuss details of the project to all stakeholders, including government departments, environmental and other regulators, local communities as well as current and prospective shareholders. Apart from assessing the project's environmental impact, the document also covers risk mitigation and potential benefits to local residents. The ESIA is the beginning of an ongoing process of involvement on all social and environmental fronts.