BLACKROCK EMERGING EUROPE PLC                                              
    All information is at 31 December 2015 and unaudited.                      
    Performance at month end with net income reinvested                        


                             One      Three           One       Three       Five         *Since
                           Month     Months          Year       Years      Years       30.04.09
     Share price           -4.8%       9.9%          1.8%      -20.8%     -36.5%          38.5%
     Net asset value       -2.1%       8.9%          0.3%      -20.9%     -33.4%          39.5%
     MSCI EM Europe        -4.6%      -2.5%         -9.8%      -36.6%     -41.2%           9.1%
     US Dollars:                                                                               
     Share price           -6.8%       6.9%         -3.7%      -28.1%     -40.1%          37.8%
     Net asset value       -4.2%       6.0%         -5.2%      -28.2%     -37.3%          38.8%
     MSCI EM Europe        -6.6%      -5.1%        -14.7%      -42.5%     -44.7%           8.5%
     Sources: BlackRock, Standard & Poor's Micropal                                            
     *BlackRock took over the investment management of the Company with effect from            
     1 May 2009                                                                                
     At month end                                                                              
     Net asset value - capital only:                                                   227.00p 
     Net asset value** - cum income:                                                   229.08p 
     Share price:                                                                      201.63p 
     Total assets^:                                                                     £86.7m 
     Discount (share price to cum income NAV):                                           12.0% 
     Gross market exposure^^^:                                                          100.0% 
     Gearing at month end:                                                                2.3% 
     Gearing range as a % of Net assets:                                                 0-20% 
     Issued Capital - Ordinary Shares^^                                             36,242,928 
     Ongoing charges*                                                                     1.3% 
     * Calculated as at 31 January 2015, in accordance with AIC guidelines.                    
     ** Includes year to date net revenue equal to 2.08 pence per share.                       
     ^ Total assets include current year revenue.                                              
     ^^ Excluding 5,400,000 shares held in treasury.                                           
     ^^^ Long positions plus short positions as a percentage of net asset value.               
    Sector                             % Total      Country                          % Total   
    Analysis                          Exposure      Analysis                        Exposure   
    Financials                            42.7      Russia                              42.8   
    Energy                                24.9      Turkey                              22.9   
    Consumer Staples                       9.0      Poland                              12.6   
    Consumer Discretionary                 6.4      Greece                               10.2  
    Information Technology                  5.2     Kazakhstan                           4.9   
    Industrials                            4.4      Ukraine                              2.9   
    Basic Materials                        3.6      Romania                              2.8   
    Telecommunications                     1.9      Lithuania                            1.6   
    Utilities                               1.7     Net current liabilities             (0.7)  
    Health Care                            0.9                                                 
    Net current liabilities               (0.7)                                                
                                         -----                                         -----   
                                         100.0                                         100.0   
                                         =====                                         =====   
    Short positions                       (0.0)                                         (0.0)  
     Fifteen Largest Investments                                                               
     (in % order of Total Market Exposure as at 31.12.15)                                      
                                                                              Total Market     
    Company                                Region of Risk                       Exposure %     
    Sberbank                               Russia                                      7.3     
    Halk Bank                              Turkey                                      6.6     
    PKO Bank Polski                        Poland                                     6.1      
    Novatek                                Russia                                      5.7     
    Gazprom                                Russia                                      5.2     
    Lukoil                                 Russia                                      5.2     
    KazMunaiGas Exploration Production     Kazakhstan                                  4.9     
    OPAP                                   Greece                                      4.8     
    Globaltrans                            Russia                                      4.4     
    TSKB                                   Turkey                                      4.1     
    Garanti Bank                           Turkey                                      3.7     
    KGHM                                   Poland                                      3.6     
    Coca Cola Icecek                       Turkey                                      3.5     
    Petrol Rafinerileri                    Turkey                                      3.1     
    Yandex                                 Russia                                      3.1     
     Commenting on the markets, Sam Vecht and David Reid, representing the                     
     Investment Manager noted;                                                                 
     Market Commentary                                                                         
     The MSCI Emerging Europe 10/40 Index returned -6.6% in December in USD terms.             
     Against a backdrop of the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates for the               
     first time in 9 years, emerging European equities endured a torrid month.                 
     Russia was weak as the WTI oil price fell to below $33 per barrel. The ruble              
     depreciated and equity markets followed. Although a soft oil price places                 
     Russia's economy under pressure, the Russian Reserve Fund is sufficiently large           
     to support government spending, at least in the medium-term. Crucially, the               
     willingness to date of the Russian monetary authorities to allow the ruble to             
     adjust to lower oil prices has allowed the Russian economy to adapt more                  
     quickly to the new pricing environment and allowed manufacturers and other                
     exporters to regain competitiveness.                                                      
     Greece returned +2% during December. However, this obscures large disparities             
     in individual stock performance. Alpha Bank rose by 9% as it successfully                 
     completed its capital raising and was up-weighted in various market indexes.              
     Focus On: Greek Pension Reforms                                                           
     As part of the third bail-out program agreed in the summer, the Greek economy             
     was required to undertake economic reforms. The government has made headway on            
     restarting its privatisation program and recapitalising the banking system. In            
     addition, reforming the pension system is now high on the priority list for               
     both the government and the European institutions. Prime Minister Tsipras has             
     highlighted that the mandated savings rate of 1% of GDP does not have to be               
     borne entirely by direct pension cuts and has proposed increasing contributions           
     from employers and reducing administration costs by consolidating existing                
     pension funds. The European institutions are currently assessing the proposals,           
     and we may see a period of debate before the details are finally settled and              
     Greece enters the First Review of the bailout program. These reforms are key to           
     Greece accessing financing from the European Quantitative Easing program and              
     should open up discussion on debt relief, and so achieving progress here should           
     have a notable positive impact on the Greek economy and the valuation of Greek            
     18 January 2016                                                                           
     Latest information is available by typing on the                 
     internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV           
     terminal). Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of              
     any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other             
     website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.