Blackheath Resources Inc. report the results of a test-mining pit sampling program of eluvial surface gravels at the Bejanca tin/tungsten project in Northern Portugal. (Eluvial deposits are those geological deposits and soils that are derived by in situ weathering or weathering plus gravitational movement or accumulation). Blackheath has given consideration to excavation of the material and treatment in a simple, inexpensive gravity operation similar to placer gold mining.

The deposits cover an extensive area and one area of approximately 2 kilometres by 2 kilometres (the Bejanca Eluviums) was selected for testing. A total of 50 test pits have been excavated and sampled in successive one metre intervals below the soil and humus layer. The mineralized gravel deposits lie on surface, immediately below the soil layer.

Generally, the soil layer was between 0.2 m and 1 m in depth followed by the mineralised gravel layer between 1 m and 5.5 m in thickness and immediately above bedrock. Preliminary work confirmed that the finer minus 2mm material contained more concentrated mineralisation and this material could be readily separated by screening before further processing and concentration. Highlights of results are: Most of the values are in tin in the area tested, 42% of the pits showed values greater than 400 ppm Sn (tin), and Showed an average content of 792 ppm Sn, and Contained an average of 35% fine sand containing 1,551 ppm Sn (1.6kg/t).

Sporadic tungsten values ranged between 10ppm and up to 1,463ppm WO 3. The Bejanca eluvial surface area was increased by approximately 40% compared to the historical Lynton Report.