BlackBerry Limited announced that BlackBerry Secure, the company's comprehensive approach to security addressing the entire enterprise from end point to end point, is now able to help organizations protect personnel during a crisis without language becoming a barrier when response time is critical. In addition to providing its solution in eight additional languages, BlackBerry AtHoc's latest updates to its crisis communication platform includes enhanced mobile alerting functionality, upgraded map-based experiences for emergency operators, and significant performance improvements. BlackBerryAtHoc's key product updates include: Eight New Languages: Native language support through multiple worldwide datacenters for international customers leads to faster response and improved safety during a crisis. Enhanced Geographical Targeting: New custom map layering makes targeting users faster and easier for complex global organizations. Flexible Mobile Operations: Simplifications to the mobile experience, including customized user groups for operators and streamlined alerting for end users, optimize the ability to send and receive critical information during a crisis via the AtHoc mobile app. Augmented Performance: AtHoc continues to improve performance. With this latest update, it delivers up to 50% faster page loads in the product areas used most often, meaning it takes less time to start communicating during a crisis, keeping people and organizations safe. Enhanced Security and Privacy: AtHoc continues to invest in making its platform the most secure as well as adhering to global privacy standards.