Black Knight, Inc. announced that it has delivered new capabilities in the company's Expedite Close digital closing solution to more easily facilitate fully digital real estate transactions. Already leveraging advanced intelligence to choose the best, most permissible way to digitally close a loan for each jurisdiction, Expedite Close now offers detailed, document-by-document guidance to help borrowers through the closing package, allowing for a more efficient, contactless process, up to and including the remote online notarization (RON) of all necessary paperwork. Upon initiating an eClosing process through the Expedite Close platform, borrowers are now provided a clear overview of documents to be reviewed and signed, as well as individual tags within documents to help them make informed decisions as they complete the required tasks. These tags are configurable by the lender and help the borrower understand information within each document, such as monthly principal or interest payment amounts, prepayment penalties, and other items of importance. Expedite Close can guide borrowers through every step of the closing process, up to and including online notarization of required documents. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, 48 states and the District of Columbia have either passed RON laws or are operating under executive orders allowing the practice. This innovative solution helps streamline the eClosing process for lenders and other participants, while enhancing the consumer experience in a fully digital environment. Lenders will benefit from improved borrower satisfaction as well as increased efficiencies.