January 19, 2015


Ms. Dhara Barot

Listing Compliance - Listing Compliance

Bombay Stock Exchange Limited

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers

Dalal Street

Mumbai - 400001

Sub: Clarification on the News Item

Ref: Your email dt. January 19, 2015 w.r.t. clarification on a news item appearingin Economic Times and other financial dailies.

Dear Ms. Barot,
This has reference to your above mentioned e-mail. At the outset, we do not regard the item that appears in the media today as a "material" item for a business of the size and scale of Bharti Airtel Limited and the proposed service of 'video conferencing' is part of Airtel's existing telecom offerings and accordingly, does not require disclosure under Clause 36 of the Listing Agreement.
As a responsible corporate that follows the highest standards of corporate governance, we are fully conscious of our disclosure obligations and can assure you that we will always act in consonance with these obligations and more.
Please take the above information on record. Thanking you,
Sincerely Yours
For Bharti Airtel Limited

Sd/- Mukesh Bhavnani Group General Counsel & Company Secretary Bharti Airtel Limited

(a Bharti Enterprise)

Regd. & Corporate Office: Bharti Crescent, 1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, Phase II, New Delhi - 110 070

T.: +91-11-4666 6100, F.: +91-11-4166 6137, Email id: compliance.officer@bharti.in, www.airtel.com

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