Kinetic Seas formerly known as Bellatora Inc., has completed Phase I of its planned AI data center in Oak Brook Illinois. The goal of Phase I is to provide dynamic high-speed GPU and CPU resources for its consulting clients, educational programs, and internal product development. The Data Center provides a wide range of NVIDIA based GPU compute resources, a proprietary virtualization infrastructure for maximum flexibility and ease of use, and 10GB/sec Internet connectivity.

Kinetic Seas collocates its data center within the Databank ORD4 facility that provides floor space, 24-hour support, connectivity, environmental controls, and utility access. The virtualization technology developed by the Company is also provided to infrastructure consulting clients allowing the Company to assist clients in building their own AI enabled environments. The platform is based on the Proxmox open-source virtualization platform.

One of its many features includes the ability for users to provision GPU and CPU resources quickly without migrating data across hosts. This greatly reduces setup time for model training and fine-tuning projects, making using an AI enabled hosting service like Kinetic Seas more practical. The Company is currently using the platform for fine-tuning of large language models for specific industry needs and plans to begin providing educational services using the platform in the near future.