Beijing Jingcheng Machinery Electric Company Limited announced that the board of directors received a written resignation application from Ms. Jiang Chi ("Ms. Jiang"), the chief accountant (financial manager) of the Company. Due to work related reasons, Ms. Jiang tendered her resignation from the position of the chief accountant (financial manager) of the Company. The Board fully respects the decision of Ms. Jiang and has accepted her resignation which takes effect from 28 October 2021. Ms. Jiang confirmed that there is no matter in relation to her resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of all the shareholders of the Company. The Board and Ms. Jiang confirmed that they are not aware of any unfulfilled personal obligations of Ms. Jiang towards the Company and its subsidiaries. On 28 October 2021, the Company convened the sixth meeting of the tenth session of the Board, at which the "Resolution in relation to the Appointment of Ms. Feng Yongmei as the Chief Accountant (Financial Manager) of the Company" was considered and approved. It was agreed to appoint Ms. Feng Yongmei ("Ms. Feng") as the chief accountant (financial manager) of the Company. with a term of office commencing from 28 October 2021 and ending at the 2022 annual general meeting.