
Befesa Gestión de Residuos Industriales and Metro Bilbao

Befesa Gestión de Residuos Industriales manages industrial waste consisting of steel fixings and shavings produced by railway maintenance work for Metro Bilbao, through Rail 2000, a company that specialises in railway track maintenance.

The waste fixings and shavings are generated by rail polishing and grinding work on the Metro Bilbao network and are classified as a non-hazardous industrial waste.

The management of the waste involves processing the regulatory documentation using the IKS waste management software that the Basque Government has implemented, supplying packaging to hold the waste, and transporting and treating it by depositing it in non-hazardous industrial waste sites.

This service is yet another example of Befesa Gestión de Residuos Industriales' growth in the Basque Country, where it provides specialist environmental services to various industrial sectors, including energy, steelmaking, chemicals, construction, automotive, etc. as well as to public administrations, through its sales office and the industrial waste transfer centre in Deba.

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