Proposal for amendment of the Bylwas

General Shareholders´ Meeting June 2024

For the purpose of moving towards in strengthening corporate governance, it is advised that the General Shareholders' Meeting approves the following amendment to the Bank's bylaws:







Article 47. Elections and voting: Elections and voting by the General

Article 47. Elections and voting: Elections and voting by the

It is specified that,



Shareholder's Meeting will observe the following rules:

General Shareholder's Meeting will observe the following rules:

at the discretion




of the Board of


5. When electing members of the Board of Directors, the

5. When electing members of the Board of Directors, the

Regulations for

the Elections of

Shareholders' Meeting must consider the criteria for selection,

Shareholders' Meeting must consider the criteria for selection,

Members to the

independence and disqualifications and incompatibilities provided

independence and disqualifications and incompatibilities

Board of Directors,

for by law, these Bylaws, and those contained in the Bank's Code of

provided for by law, these Bylaws, the Regulations for Electing

Good Governance, which will be shared regarding each candidate

Members to the Board of Directors approved by the General

approved by the

prior to voting. The election of a Board member that does not meet

Shareholders' Meeting and those contained in the Bank's Code of


selection or independence criteria or is subject to disqualification or

Good Governance, which will be shared regarding each


incompatibility will surpass the limits of the social contract.

candidate prior to voting. The election of a Board member that

Meeting, must be

does not meet selection or independence criteria or is subject to

considered when

disqualification or incompatibility will surpass the limits of the

electing members

social contract.

to the Board of

Elections of independent directors shall be held by a separate vote

Elections of independent directors shall be held by a separate

Directors, which

includes criteria of

from that of the other Board members, unless it is ensured that the

vote from that of the other Board members, unless it is ensured


minimum number of independent members required by law or

that the minimum number of independent members required by


bylaws will be achieved, or, where only one slate is submitted, that

law or bylaws will be achieved, or, where only one slate is


slate includes the minimum number of independent members

submitted, that slate includes the minimum number of


required by law or bylaws.

independent members required by law or bylaws.

Likewise, when setting the compensation for the directors, the

Likewise, when setting the compensation for the directors, the

Meeting shall consider the number and capacities of its members,

Meeting shall consider the number and capacities of its

their responsibilities and the time required, in such a way that such

members, their responsibilities and the time required, in such a

compensation adequately provides for the contribution the Bank

way that such compensation adequately provides for the

expects from its directors.

contribution the Bank expects from its directors.









Article 54. Incompatibility on the grounds of kinship: There may

Article 54. Disqualifications and incompatibilities: There may

For greater


not be any majority in the Board of Directors formed by persons

not be any majority in the Board of Directors formed by

clarity, we

on the grounds of

related to each other by marriage, or by kinship within the third

persons related to each other by marriage, or by kinship within

propose including


degree of consanguinity, second degree of affinity, or first

the third degree of consanguinity, second degree of affinity, or

a reference to the

degree of civil relationship.

first degree of civil relationship. Likewise, no Board member


may be a Person that falls under any of the assumptions of


disqualification and incompatibility defined in these Bylaws,


the Code of Good Governance and the Regulations for the

defined in the

Election of Members of the Board of Directors approved by the

General Shareholders' Meeting.

bylaws, the Code

of Good

any Board elected in contravention of these Regulations may not

Any Board elected in contravention of these Regulations may

Governance and

act and the previous Board will continue performing its

not act and the previous Board will continue performing its

the Regulations

functions, which will immediately convene the Shareholders'

functions, which will immediately convene the Shareholder's

for the Election of

Meeting for a new election. Any and all decisions made by the

Meeting for a new election. Any and all decisions made by the

Members to the

Board by a majority vote in contravention of this rule will not be

Board by a majority vote in contravention of this rule will not

Board of


be effective.


approved by the







Article 95. Price-

The inclusion of

Article 95. Price-Matching Obligation.

It is proposed that


a new Article is

(a) In the event that, after June 26, 2024 (the "Cut-off Date"), any beneficial owner of common shares in the Bank

a beneficial owner



that owns less than 25% of such shares on the Cut-off Date should acquire, in one or more transactions, directly or


acquires a

indirectly, during a period of 12 months following the first acquisition after the Cut-off Date ("Matching Period


One"), ordinary shares that lead them to have a shareholding interest greater than 25% of the Bank's common

shareholding with

shares, will be obliged to pay to each Seller that disposed of their common shares during Matching Period One, an



amount equal to the difference between, (x) the highest price per common share in the Bank paid by the beneficial

should be obliged,

owner during Matching Period One and, (y) the Bank's common share price paid to Seller ("Matching Value One").

for 12 months, to

(b) Any beneficial owner who acquires common shares in the Bank via an Initial Takeover Bid, and subsequently

acquires, in one or more transactions, directly or indirectly, during a period of 12 months following the award of

match the price to

the Initial Takeover Bid ("Matching Period Two"), additional shareholding that increases its percentage of the




Bank's common stock by 5% or more, shall be obliged to pay each Seller that disposed of its common shares in the



Bank during Matching Period Two, an amount equal to the difference between, (x) the highest price per common




share of the Bank paid by the beneficial owner during Matching Period Two and, (y) the price per common share in



the Bank paid to the Seller ("Matching Value Two"). Once Matching Period Two has expired, if the beneficial owner

shares during that

makes a new Takeover Bid for common shares in the Bank, that offer shall be considered a new Initial Takeover Bid


and the provisions of this Article 95 shall be reapplied.

FIRST PARAGRAPH: Under this Article 95, (i) "acquire" shall mean any act by which a person or group of persons

becomes, directly or indirectly, the beneficial owner of common shares in the Bank; (ii) "beneficial owner" shall have

the meaning given to this term in Decree 2555/2010, Article; (iii) the "Seller" shall mean a holder of

common stock in the Bank that sells his or her shares subject to subparagraph (a) or (b) of this Article 95; (iv)

"Initial Takeover Bid" shall mean a public offering of shares ("Takeover Bid") under the terms of Decree 2555, Article, awarded after the Cut-off Date; (v) "Matching Value" shall mean Matching Value One, or Matching Value

Two, as applicable to subparagraph (a) or (b).

(Continued on next page)





Article 95. Price-




SECOND PARAGRAPH: When Takeover Bid or Bids are made in United States Dollars or another currency, the sum in

Colombian pesos calculated at the current representative market rate certified by the Colombian Financial

Superintendent on the date or dates defined in the corresponding takeover booklet will be used to determine the

price and apply the provisions of this article.

THIRD PARAGRAPH: For payment of the Matching Value to Sellers:

(i) A beneficial owner that has acquired common shares in the Bank under subparagraph (a) or (b) of this Article 95

(the "Buyer") will be obliged to notify the Bank (1) that the obligation to pay the Matching Value exists, (2) the date

on which the said obligation arose, and (3) the period covered by Matching Period One, in the case of subparagraph

(a), or the expiration date of Matching Period Two, in the case of subparagraph (b).

(ii) Once the Bank receives the information referred to in the preceding paragraph from the Buyer, it shall inform the

market, using the appropriate reporting mechanism.

(iii) The Buyer shall, no more than forty-five calendar days after the obligation to pay the Matching Value has arisen,

lift the stock exchange reserve and grant any and all other consents and documents required to make effective the

provisions of this Article 95, and to allow Sellers to verify if they are creditors of the Matching Value. Likewise, and

during the same forty-five calendar day period, the Buyer shall establish the process for, directly or through a third

party, receiving requests for payment of the Matching Value from Sellers, verify whether payment is applicable, and

perform any and all other activities required for payment of the Matching Value to the Sellers.

(iv) Buyer shall pay the Matching Value to Sellers no later than 15 business days from the date on which it receives

the corresponding payment request from Seller.

FOURTH PARAGRAPH: If the Buyer fails to meet its reporting obligations under this Article 95 or fails to pay the

Matching Value under the terms set forth in this Article 95, the Buyer agrees that (i) it will be in default and will

therefore pay default interest at the highest rate permitted by law as of the date payment was due under the Third

Paragraph; and (ii) it will be liable for any other damages caused to each holder of common shares in the Bank due to

its non-performance or late or defective performance of its obligation to pay the Matching Value.


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Bancolombia SA published this content on 13 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 13 June 2024 03:44:05 UTC.