AVTECH Sweden AB (publ) and PLAY airlines have entered into an agreement for AVTECHs Aventus and ClearPath services, with a start date in April 2024 and an expected annual value of around SEK 0.5 million dependent on the number of aircraft and EUR exchange rate. The ClearPath and Aventus services, both utilizing high-resolution aviation weather forecasting from the UK Met Office, will provide precise and tailored tactical decision support for PLAY pilots to improve the efficiency of each individual flight. By providing flight crews with the latest weather inputs and guidance on the most efficient flight altitudes, PLAY can take maximum advantage of prevailing winds and temperatures to reduce its overall total CO2 emissions.

This leads to improved flight execution and efficiency, increased situational awareness and reduced workload for the pilots. In addition, ClearPath also warns of turbulence along the flight path which increases the comfort for all passengers travelling with PLAY.