The Board of Auto Italia Holdings Limited announced that Mr. HON Ping Cho, Terence has tendered his resignation as the chief financial officer and the company secretary of the company, and ceased to act as an authorized representative under Rule 3.05 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, all with effect from 1 April 2016, for his other career development. The Board announced that Mr. WONG Yat Tung (Mr. Wong) has been appointed as the company secretary and an authorized representative of the company under Rule 3.05 of the Listing Rules, both with effect from 1 April 2016. Mr. Wong is a manager of SW Corporate Services Group Limited.

He has more than eight years of extensive experience in providing company secretarial services to private and listed companies. He currently serves as the company secretary of two companies and the joint company secretary of two companies, all listed on the Stock Exchange.