Auplata (Euronext Growth – FR0010397760 – ALAUP) releases a new point of completion on 21 january 2019.

Strengthening technical teams and management

Mr. Antoine Lopvet joins the Auplata team in French Guiana as Project Director. Civil engineer, Antoine Lopvet previously worked as a consultant in engineering and management at Grassalco, a mining company and state quarry in Surinam. He has also served as Executive Director at SAS Trajan and SAS GAIA (French Guiana) and has extensive experience at Caterpillar as a Project Manager. Antoine Lopvet is fluent in French, English and Portuguese. Among his responsibilities, Antoine will pilot the exploitation and operations of the cyanidation plant of God Thank you, the resumption of the exploitation activities of God Thank you and exploration on Couriège, Yaou and thank God.

Mr. Jesús Pacheco joins the team of Brexia Gold Plata Peru (BGPP) in Peru as Head of Exploration to strengthen this department. Geologist, Jesús Pacheco has more than 15 years of experience in the Peruvian mining sector, particularly in porphyry (Cu, Cu-Mo, Cu-Au). His expertise will help BGPP better understand future exploration campaigns.




YAOU (French Guiana)
The preparation of the first phase of resource validation for the Yaou gold project (NI43-101 certification) has begun. The consulting firm Innovexplo was contacted to do this work, as was the drilling company Pro Forage, which is responsible for executing several diamond drill holes (DDh - Diamond Drill Hole). The camp was cleaned and rehabilitated to receive a 15-person exploration team. The work will begin on February 1, 2019 and a report could be produced in about 3 months.

DIEU MERCI (French Guiana)
A soil sampling and grab sampling program has been prepared to close historical geochemical anomalies and a mapping campaign is expected to begin soon.

DORLIN (French Guiana)
A Declaration of Opening of Mining Works (DOTM) for drilling on the northern extensions of the Dorlin deposit has been submitted to the Department of Environment, Planning and Housing (DEAL) of Guyana. The polls campaign continues on Nivré. Reunion Gold (RGD-TSX) is the operator of Dorlin under an option agreement signed with Auplata in February 2017.


Canada's Innovexplo, one of Canada's leading mineral resource certification companies, is in the final stages of validating the mineral resources of the El Santo mining unit in Peru. The receipt of the first version of the NI 43-101 report is expected around the end of January 2019.

Geologists are currently focusing on the analysis of certain mineral anomalies based on the company's old registers of precious metals (Au, Ag).



DIEU MERCI (French Guiana)
Ancillary works on the plant of Dieu Merci (roof, chemical storage room, spare parts store) and re-profiles the cultures channels of the tailing ponds.
The elution system, being manufactured in Peru, is progressing well and should be completed on February 10, 2019, and shipped to French Guiana for an expected arrival in mid-March. For the control of the grinding system, the approach was a little longer to ensure compliance with European standards (CE standards) equipment. They should arrive in French Guiana by mid-April.

Regarding the drilling of El Santo, BGPP is confirming the existence of veins with high potential to further improve the ore grade in treatment.




  • Approval of the Mining Technical Report to extend the Waste Pond located at El Santo.
  • On easements, after several meetings with the authorities, approval is expected by the end of January.
  • The final list of components for environmental study modifications for the Suyckutambo project has been established.
  • Discussions on the third technical report on the sustainability of new platforms and ancillary components have started.


Communities, social and rehabilitation

BGPP held several meetings with the new authorities elected for the 2019-2022 period. Also, we held a meeting with the Communities Presidents to discuss the works and activities that BGPP will carry out in 2019.

From January 11th to 16th, planting 611 trees among 42 species by Verdal Reforestage on the site of Dieu Merci & maintaining existing plantations have displayed remarkable results after a year.

From January 23 to 27, 2019, tree planting campaign by Verdal reforesting will be established on the Plat Bouteille in Yaou.

Ordering an update of water, air, soil, noise data on the Yaou permit to anticipate the concession application. Also, a campaign started to re-update environmental data around the plant (water, air, soil, noise) and an update study of danger by a Consulting firm. Orthophotography shots on the flats of the concessions of St Elie and Paul Isnard in order to make an accurate assessment of the ongoing rehabilitations and inform the DEAL of the monthly progress.


Compagnie Minière de Touissit (CMT) (Morocco)

As a reminder, the agreement signed with BGPP is subject to the approval of the Ministry of Mines, which should intervene no later than February 11, 2019. Beyond this date, it will be considered obtained tacitly if the administration did not pronounce. Under the terms of the agreement, once the conditions precedent have been lifted, BGPP will proceed with an additional capital increase of € 10.5 million which will enable Auplata and its shareholders to hold 18.52% of the capital of CMT.

At June 30, 2018 the CMT results are the following:

In K€June 30, 2018June 30, 2017Change %
Turnover 26,682 16,928 +58%
EBIT 14,270 6,512 +119%
Net income 12,135 5,474 +122%

Compagnie Minière de Touissit is listed in Casablanca, its stock market valuation is currently around 210.000.000 €.


Regrouping of shares

 As soon as the capital increase by contribution in kind of 100% of the shares of BGPP (Third Resolution of the Combined General Meeting of November 19, 2018) and the capital increase by contribution in cash of € 10.5 million (First and Second Resolutions of the Combined General Meeting of 19 November 2018) will be carried out, following the lifting of the conditions relating to (i) the waiver of the obligation to submit a public tender offer, granted by the AMF on November 28, 2018 to Brexia International and (ii) the Minister of Mines' non-opposition to Auplata's change of control, no later than February 11, 2019, Auplata will implement the share consolidation decision taken by the Combined General Meeting on November 19th 2018 under the Eighteenth Resolution.

The share consolidation will be achieved through the allotment of one new share with a par value of 0.8 euro against 10 ordinary shares held with a par value of 0.08 euro.

The number of shares before the merger would be 2,742,084,995 shares with a par value of 0.08 euro and the number of shares after the merger would be 274,208,499 shares with a par value of 0.8 euro.

The precise terms of the transaction will be decided by a Board of Directors, making use of the delegation of powers conferred by the November 19th 2018 Combined General Meeting and communicated to the shareholders by a share consolidation notice which will be published on BALO within the time frame set by the Commercial Code.


Shares Repartition

 Shares% share capital
Brexia Gold Plata Peru (BGPP) 35,714,285 5.27%
European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund (EHGO) 120,744,765 17.83%
Flottant 520,987,894 76.90%


About Auplata
Based in French Guiana, Auplata is the largest French, stock-market listed gold producer. The Company has more than 700 sq km of mining permits and titles in French Guyana. Auplata operates an innovative industrial and financial strategy, aimed at developing and exploiting Guianese gold resources with the strong involvement of local players. The Company's objective is to offer sustainable exploitation for the Guianese mining industry. Since June 2015, Auplata is a shareholder in the Co?te d'Ivoire mining company OMCI, which owns two mining projects in Co?te d'Ivoire.
Auplata's share are listed on the Euronext Growth market in Paris (Euronext). ISIN: FR0010397760 – ALAUP; ICB: 1777 – Gold Mining.
For more information about Auplata, go to:


Mathieu Omnes Investor +33 (0)1 53 67 36 92
Nicolas Bouchez Press +33 (0)1 53 67 36 74

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