Archer Exploration Limited announced that drilling commenced on 27th January 2013 on a number of promising deposits and prospects north of Cleve on Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Archer's drilling schedule for quarter 1, 2013 will consist of: Campoona Graphite Targets Late January-mid February 2013; Robertstown Copper Targets: Mid February -late February 2013; Mt Shannan Graphite Targets: Early March to mid April 2013; Bartel Epithermal Gold Target: April 2013. The location of the proposed drilling showing the planned drill hole locations.

The quarter 1, 2013 drill program will consist of: drilling of projected regional extensions to the Campoona Shaft graphite deposit; drilling to test for copper/gold targets at Robertstown near Burra; drilling to test anomalous EM graphite targets on Eyre Peninsula tenements and drilling of the epithermal gold target at Bartel near Cleve on Eyre Peninsula.