The Board of Directors of ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd., in its capacity as manager of ARA US Hospitality Property Trust, and ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd., as trustee-manager of ARA US Hospitality Management Trust ("ARA H-BT") (collectively known as the "Managers") wish to announce the following changes to the Board and the Audit and Risk Committee ("ARC") with effect from 3 May 2024: the resignation of Ms. Stefanie Yuen Thio as Independent Non-Executive Director.

The Board of the Managers wishes to extend its gratitude and appreciation to Ms. Stefanie Yuen Thio ("Ms. Thio") for her dedication and counsel during her tenure on the Board and the ARC. Consequent upon the resignation of Ms. Thio as Independent Non-Executive Director, she will relinquish her role as a Member and Chairperson of the ARC. Concurrently, Mr. Randy Allan Daniels is appointed as the Chairman of the ARC.

Following the aforesaid changes, the composition of the Board and ARC of the Managers will be as follows with effect from 3 May 2024: Audit and Risk Committee: Mr. Randy Allan Daniels as­ Chairman, Mr. Stephen Ray Finch ­as Member and Mr. Wong Choong Mann ­as Member. Ms. Stefanie Yuen Thio: Reason For Cessation: Ms. Stefanie Yuen Thio ("Ms. Thio") is leaving to pursue and devote more bandwidth as founding Chairperson of SG Her Empowerment Limited. Past directorship (for the last 5 years): ARA Trust Management (USH) Pte.

Ltd. ARA Business Trust Management (USH) Pte. Ltd. Singapore Medical Group and The Community Foundation of Singapore. Present directorships and other principal commitment: Camembert Holdings Pte Ltd, ESR-LOGOS Funds Management (S) Limited, TSMP Law Corporation and SG Her Empowerment Limited.