Anti-Aging House Holding Limited announced appointment of Dr. Chen Dongliang as executive director. Dr. Chen has published many books, such as Polypeptide Nutrition, The World of The Polypeptide, The Latest Anti-aging medicine, and The Chart of Physiology. He was the founder of the theory of polypeptide nutrition and polypeptide for anti-aging, and was the Leader of Polypeptide respectfully. Hu Lirong appointed as executive director. Ms. Hu has been appointed by AAHT as CFO since 2016. Ms. Hu is responsible for the formulation of financial policies and financial strategic planning, reviewing and approving budgets & financial management policies, auditing and financial reporting. Ms. Hu has more than 35 years of work experiences in the accounting and finance fields and provides extensive accounting and finance knowledge to the company. Mr. Lijun appointed as independent non-executive director. Mr. Li has been appointed by DB FortuneAU Investment Management Limited as CEO since 2016.