Alpina Holdings Limited provided an update on the new contracts that were secured by the Group during the six-month period ended 30 June 2024 ("HY2024") as follows: a. 1 contract for the upgrading of lightings work for a private company in Singapore with a total provisional contract sum of approximately SGD 0.3 million, which was completed in April 2024. b. 2 term contracts for the licensing of electrical installation for 2 town councils in Singapore with a total provisional contract sum of approximately SGD 50,000, which are expected to be completed by March 2027. c. 2 term contracts for the provision of electrical works and maintenance of lighting to carparks and various amenities and licensing of electrical installation for 2 town councils in Singapore with a total provisional contract sum of approximately SSGD 2.7 million, which are expected to be completed by March 2027.

d. 1 term contract for the provision of maintenance and upgrading of mechanical and electrical facilities for a statutory board of the Singapore Government with a provisional contract sum of approximately SGD 5.1 million, which is expected to be completed by April 2027. 1 term contract for the provision of maintenance of civil defence shelters for a statutory board of the Singapore Government with a provisional contract sum of approximately SGD 0.9 million, which is expected to be completed by March 2030. 1 term contract for the provision of electrical and maintenance of lighting to carparks and various amenities for a town council in Singapore with a provisional contract sum of approximately SGD 2.1 million, which is expected to be completed by March 2027.

1 term contract for the provision of replacement, improvement and maintenance works for mechanical and electrical services for a statutory board of the Singapore Government with a provisional contract sum of approximately SGD 4.0 million, which is expected to be completed by July 2027. 1 term contract for the servicing and maintenance of fire protection systems for a town council in Singapore with a provisional contract sum of approximately SGD 0.2 million, which is expected to be completed by May 2025. 1 term contract for the provision of electrical-related maintenance works for a statutory board of the Singapore Government with a provisional contract sum of approximately SGD 0.8 million, which is expected to be completed by June 2027.

ddition to the above contracts secured by the Group during HY2024, the Group had also participated in ender ("Tender Consortium"), together with Savills Property Management Pte Ltd. ("Savills"), for the vision of IFM services for a tertiary education institution in Singapore ("IFM Contract"). The IFM Contract, h a provisional contract sum of approximately SGD 115.7 million, was awarded to Savills in June 2024, ng the lead member of the Tender Consortium, and is expected to commence in January 2025 and mplete by December 2028, with an option for the customer to extend it for another 4 years and 3 months. provisional contract sums for the contracts as set out above are indicative only and may not be the ual revenue to be recognised by the Group as the final contract sums will depend on, inter alia, the actual rk to be undertaken by the Group.

The majority of the contracts are public sector projects, whereby a town council in Singapore, a statutory board of the Singapore Government or a Ministry of the Singapore Government is the project owner. The Group currently holds 16 Workhead registrations, 1 facilities management licence and 2 builder licences with the Building and Construction Authority ("BCA"). These include the highest grading of L6 for registration under the ME15 (Integrated Building Services) and ME05 (Electrical Engineering) Workheads, which allow to undertake projects in the public sector with no tendering limits and no project value limits under the respective Workheads.