AIT Corporation announced consolidated earnings results for the nine months ended November 2019. For the period, the company reported operating revenues of ¥35,028 million, operating profit of ¥1,520 million, profit attributable to owners of parent of ¥1,195 million or basic earnings per share of ¥49.98 compared to operating revenues of ¥21,038 million, operating profit of ¥1,255 million, profit attributable to owners of parent of ¥943 million or basic earnings per share of ¥49.36 for the same period last year.

The company expects consolidated operating revenues of ¥50,000 million, operating profit of ¥1,650 million, profit attributable to owners of parent of ¥1,250 million or basic earnings per share of ¥52.27 for the fiscal year ending February 29, 2020.

The company expects year end dividend of ¥18.00 per share for the fiscal year ending February 29, 2020 compared to ¥18.00 per share paid a year ago.