AI Airports International Limited

1st Floor, 7 Bond Street St Helier, Jersey JE2 3NP Channel Islands

The Board of Directors announces completion of the transfer of theCompany’s shareholding in Parma Airport

Jersey/Vienna July 4, 2011 - The Board of Directors of AI Airports International Limited (AI) is pleased to announce that the transfer of AI’s shareholding in SO.GE.A.P Aeroporto di Parma Società per la Gestione S.p.A. (Sogeap) to Meinl Bank Aktiengesellschaft (MB) was completed on 29th June 2011. This represents the final action as part of the Partial Settlement Agreement between AI and MB, which was ratified by Certificate Holder resolution on 3rd November 2010. As disclosed during AI’s annual general meeting of shareholders, the transaction frees EUR 5.0 million which had been pledged by AI to Sogeap. The completion of this transaction represents the disposal of the last of AI’s airport investments.

The Board of Directors of AI believes it is appropriate at this time to revise the guidance regarding the range of potential outcomes provided to Certificate Holders at the annual general meeting on 10th May 2011. The Board of Directors revises its estimate of further cash repayments to Certificate Holders, in addition to cash repayments to date of EUR 5.17, to between EUR 0.18 and EUR 0.72 per share/ certificate, excluding certificates held by AI. This compares to previous guidance of further cash repayments between EUR 0.00 and EUR 0.77.

The AI Board sets out its range of additional estimated outcome by category below, subject to the disclaimer below:

Estimated Low -TEUR

Estimated High -TEUR

Estimated Low -EUR per ADC

Estimated High -EUR per ADC

Cash – 31 May 2011 20,753 20,753 0.31 0.31

Remaining assets and litigation (3,265) (435) (0.05) (0.01) Provisions for remaining costs (1,657) (1,412) (0.02) (0.02) Austrian Arbitration* (992) 32,200 (0.01) 0.47

Contingency (2,500) (2,500) (0.04) (0.04)

Net 12,339 48,605 0.18 0.72

*Note: The Estimated High assumes a favourable ruling and collection of an award in the amount of AI’s


Amounts may not foot due to rounding.


The information presented above has not been independently verified and no representation or warrantyexpress or implied is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy,completeness or correctness of this information or opinions contained herein.

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AI Airports International Limited

1st Floor, 7 Bond Street St Helier, Jersey JE2 3NP Channel Islands

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This document includes forward looking statements. By their nature, forward looking statements involveknown and unknown risks and uncertainties and are not guarantees of future performance. No unduereliance should be placed on these forward looking statements.

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T: +43 1 504 69 87-385


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