Plymouth Rock Technologies Inc. announced that updates to its UAV DRONE product line. Built entirely from NATO-coalition sourced components, the PRT-X1 UAS platform will enable airborne visual weapon and object detection, facial recognition with thermal and ultra-high-resolution capabilities that has been designed with the direct input of law enforcement, intelligence agencies, military, and rescue services. The X1 has been evaluated by several agencies and as a result law enforcement and counter-terror organizations have expressed interest with their respective governments. In addition to this, the PRT X1 will be entered into the USA General Services Administration portal. This will allow USA Law Enforcement, search & rescue and security agencies to purchase both goods and services from PRT through approved requisition channels. X1 Drone capabilities include: Increased efficiency, flight duration and payload capacity with maximum redundancy measures to ensure safe operations across a range of applications from pipeline inspection to counterterrorism Robust and Secure; the X1 allows for operations in adverse weather conditions due to its innovative design and remains secure being assembled in the USA. Extended range & BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) mission support; In addition to the standard downlink capability, the X1 also has a military grade video downlink, which delivers a 40 MB/s video and data feed up-to 40 miles. Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration for advanced flight control, autonomy and safety. The X1 has the ability to detect fires, people, animals and even firearms using its on board camera systems and specialist payloads. Real time data and video delivery to a lone operator as well as area command and control centers. Ability to withstand counter terror IED jamming technologies as well as all currently available drone jamming technologies.