A2Z Smart Technologies Corp. announced that it will exposé its Cust2Mate Smart Cart Platform at the National Retail Federation Big Show ­ finally offering major retail chains a market-ready system with advanced technology designed for attractive retail ROI and fun for the customer to use. Attendees can work with the Cust2Mate Smart Cart in the NRF Edgify Booth 3253 on January 16-18 at the Jacob Javits Center in New York.

Reliable and ROI for Retailers: Cust2Mate's technology reduces shrinkage with an anti-fraud advanced technology. The Smart Cart seamlessly integrates several technologies using AI, computer vision and secure edge computing. These provide inventory control that minimizes stockout risk as well as real time business intelligence that personalizes the customer experience, increases purchasing.

Using Edgify's collaborative AI and computer vision for real time updates of new SKUs and pricing changes, Cust2Mate recognize non-barcoded items (fruits and vegetables). Using their algorithms, Edgify enables any SKU information change to be updated every computer device under each cart, in every store across the entire chain That minimizes the security needs costly servers and infrastructure compared with a less secure and private, cloud-based system. Shopper data stays in the store.