Positive morning for Piazza Affari as well as other European bourses as they await the Bank of England's decisions on monetary policy, expected soon.

The market expects the BoE to confirm rates, as did the Norwegian central bank recently. Switzerland, on the other hand, decided to cut them, again moving in line with market expectations.

No jolt came from the French government bond auction after the market turmoil experienced last week with the announcement of early elections.

Around 12:50 p.m. the Ftse Mib rose 1.1 percent with contained volumes around 600 million.

U.S. index futures are also up nicely.

Among the stocks in the spotlight:

Bank index rises 1.3 percent led by Mediobanca's +1.6 percent.

Lively asset management sector driven by Azimut's +2.6%. Banca Mediolanum and FinecoBank also do well in an environment that is once again looking attractive for the sector thanks to the path of lower rates that makes competition from government bonds less fierce.

In light Italgas (1.7%) after new rumors about negotiations to take over 2i Rete Gas.

Among the few declines Leonardo gives up 0.6%.

Loses 2.3% Fincantieri after Consob approved a capital increase of up to 400 million euros--to which another potential 100 million will be added via warrant issue--starting June 24. Financial details of the transaction are expected today.

(Claudia Cristoferi, editing Francesca Piscioneri)