Osprey Bitcoin Trust announces a share repurchase program. Under the offer, the fund will repurchase up to 1,668,107 units, representing 20% of its share capital. The shares will be repurchased at a price equal to the net asset value as of the shares on the close of business on February 14, 2024. The purpose of the tender offer is to provide liquidity to investors who hold units of the fund. The fund intends to fund repurchases from the sell of Bitcoin. If more than 20% or 1,668,107 Units are duly tendered to the Trust before the expiration date and not withdrawn, the Trust will accept Units tendered on or before the Expiration Date for payment on a pro rata basis based on the aggregate NAV of tendered Units. The will expire on February 9, 2024, unless extended. As of January 10, 2024, the company had 8,340,536 issued and outstanding units.

Erin E. Martin of Morgan, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP acted as legal advisor to the company.