This was in retaliation for two rockets fired by Palestinian militants - video posted on social media shows Israeli missile defenses intercepting them.

The rockets set off alarms in Israeli communities near the border but there were no reports of casualties.

"A salute from Gaza to Jenin", this protester says, as they burn tyres in solidarity with the West Bank town.

Israel raided a refugee camp in Jenin on Thursday (January 27), killing at least nine Palestinians: gunmen and at least two civilians, including an elderly woman.

It was the highest death toll on a single day in the West Bank for years.

Another man died in a separate incident in al-Ramm outside Jerusalem, bringing the Palestinian death toll so far this year to at least 30.

Just days before U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is due to visit Israel and the West Bank.

The State Department said it was "deeply concerned" with the violence in the West Bank and urged both sides to de-escalate the conflict.

In the aftermath of the Jenin raid, the Palestinian Authority, which has limited governing powers in the West Bank, said it was suspending security cooperation with Israel.

The agreement is believed to have helped prevent attacks on Israel, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently formed one of the most right-wing governments in the country's history.

The Israel Defense Force said the air strikes targeted an underground rocket manufacturing site and a military base used by Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza.