STORY: :: Argentina's Senate passes President Javier Milei's sweeping reform bill

:: June 12, 2024

:: Buenos Aires, Argentina

:: The country's vice president broke a 36-36 vote tie to pass the bill

:: Victoria Villarruel, Argentine vice president

"For those Argentinians who deserve to regain the pride of being Argentinian, and who are always thinking of everything for Argentina, my vote is affirmative for today's order 3724."

The bill passed after a marathon debate, with senators now set to vote on each article of the package designed to boost investment by privatizing state entities and providing incentives for businesses.

The bill initially passed the lower house of deputies in April, but will now head back for another vote following changes in the Senate.

Milei's government, which controls only a minority of seats in both chambers, had been bargaining to win over allies. It knew the bill would face changes, but had been hoping to at least eke out the general approval.

The main left-leaning Peronist opposition bloc, closely allied to the unions, had voted down what is known as the 'bases' bill, with voting still pending on a separate fiscal package.

The bill is key to Milei's plans to overhaul an embattled economy, with inflation near 300%, and includes plans for privatizing public firms, granting special powers to the president and spurring investment.