Parallel6™, the leader in mClinical technologies for improving patient enrollment, engagement, and management of clinical trials worldwide, has joined SAFE-BioPharma Association. SAFE-BioPharma manages the global digital identity management and digital signature standard, which assures identity trust in cyber transactions within the life sciences.

Parallel6, through its Clinical6 platform, provides innovative mobile technologies used by sponsors and CROs to digitally qualify, eConsent and, engage patients in clinical trials. Its customers comprise major pharmaceutical companies and CROs.

"Parallel6 represents a unique part of the rapidly growing mClinical segment of development and healthcare. We are extremely pleased that they have joined the association," said Mollie Shields Uehling, president and CEO, SAFE-BioPharma Association.

Identity trust is essential to the secure access and exchange of digital information. The SAFE-BioPharma® standard requires each individual's identity to be validated before it is linked to the code representing that individual in cyberspace. Compliance with SAFE-BioPharma protects access to secure data, including patient and related records.

As a member of SAFE-BioPharma, Parallel 6 is able use the standard to protect cyber communications and transactions in the mobile-based clinical trials supported by its Clinical6 platform.

"Use of the SAFE-BioPharma standard will allow us to engage in the secure and trusted exchange of clinically oriented digital information," said David Turner, President, CTO and Founder of San Diego-based Parallel6.

The SAFE-BioPharma standard is widely used within the global clinical trials industry. It assures identity trust in the major life science collaborative research platform such as Merck's EngageZone, TransCelerate's Shared Investigator Platform, and Exostar's Life Science Federated Identity Hub. The standard is managed by the non-profit SAFE-BioPharma Association.

In addition to Parallel6, SAFE-BioPharma members include Astellas, AstraZeneca, Bayer Healthcare, Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Merck, Pfizer, and Sanofi.

About SAFE-BioPharma

More information on the SAFE-BioPharma® standard for digital identity and digital signatures used in life science and health care settings on the SAFE-BioPharma website.

SAFE-BioPharma® is a trademark of SAFE-BioPharma Association. Use of this trademark requires approval from SAFE-BioPharma Association.

About Parallel6

Parallel6™, is an innovative software as a service provider of mobile enrollment and engagement solutions for clinical research, health, and public sector organizations. Clinical6™ is an mClinical™ platform for patient enrollment, engagement, and management of clinical trials worldwide. Additional solutions include GovReach™ for government agencies. GovReach accelerates government-to-citizen and internal government-digital efficiency, transparency, and engagement. The firm’s headquarters is in San Diego, CA with additional offices in Washington D.C. For more information, visit