The world’s first portable fingerprint-based drug test, which works by analysing sweat from a fingerprint to determine if someone has recently used cocaine, opiates, amphetamines or cannabis, is now available in Spain. Established drug testing specialist MTB Distribuciones has been appointed as the first Spanish distributor for the revolutionary fingerprint drug test, adding to the Intelligent Fingerprinting partner community covering the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Italy and the US.

Fingerprint testing is non-invasive, fast and cost-effective, making it an ideal solution to support drug testing programmes within the workplace – on construction sites or within logistics organisations, for example. The solution is also being used by coroners to assist with toxicology tests and in the drug rehabilitation sector.

Ignasi Balsells who heads up MTB Distribuciones said: “I was impressed with the Intelligent Fingerprinting technology after first seeing it at an exhibition last year, and I’m delighted that our company is the first to bring the solution to Spain. In comparison with current saliva and urine-based approaches, the advantages of fingerprint testing are significant. It is clear that the fingerprint method is easy, quick and inexpensive to use, and we believe many organisations across Spain will find it a valuable and complementary approach when testing for drug use.”

“We are currently working across a range of markets, including workplace testing, drug rehabilitation operations and prisons to investigate opportunities. We also feel that the Intelligent Fingerprinting method could bring huge benefits in other markets. In hospital Accident & Emergency departments, for example, the test could be used to quickly establish if patients showing signs of altered mental status, such as confusion or hallucinations, might have taken drugs. Fingerprint testing is non-invasive, test samples can be collected in seconds, and results are available in minutes. All of these benefits combine to make a great solution for scenarios where volume drug testing is required,” continued Ignasi Balsells.

Paul Yates, Intelligent Fingerprinting’s Business Development Director added: “the network of international distributors selling our innovative solution is growing quickly, and we’ve now got coverage across the US, Australia, New Zealand, Italy and Spain. We’re also looking forward to announcing further distribution agreements during 2019. MTB Distribuciones has a deep understanding of today’s evolving drug testing needs, proven expertise across our target market sectors, and the vision to see how fingerprint-based drug testing can add value for the organisations it works with. We look forward to a successful partnership.”

An introductory video demonstrating fingerprint-based drug testing in action is available here

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