Regulatory News:

Following on from the agreement signed with Gamesa on June 17, 2016, AREVA’s (Paris:AREVA) stake in Adwen was sold today. Gamesa is thus taking over AREVA’s offshore wind activities.

This sale is part of the transformation plan undertaken by AREVA to refocus its business on nuclear fuel cycle activities.

Commitments made as part of the tender process for offshore wind farms in France will remain borne by Adwen.


AREVA supplies high added-value products and services to support the operation of the global nuclear fleet.

The company is present throughout the entire nuclear cycle, from uranium mining to used fuel recycling, including nuclear reactor design and operating services.

AREVA is recognized by utilities around the world for its expertise, its skills in cutting-edge technologies and its dedication to the highest level of safety.

AREVA’s 40,000 employees are helping build tomorrow’s energy model: supplying ever safer, cleaner and more economical energy to the greatest number of people.

Tour AREVA – 1 Place Jean Millier – 92400 COURBEVOIE – France – Tel : +33 (0)1 34 96 00 00 – Fax : +33 (0)1 34 96 00 01