Nair & Co., the leader in international business expansion and support publishes HR, regulatory, taxation and company updates for the current week.

Japan Lowers Corporate Tax to Boost Economy in its 2014 Tax Reform Proposal

The ruling parties of Japan have proposed changes to the effective Corporate Tax Rate on account of abolishment of the special reconstruction surtax, as part of the 2014 Tax Reform Proposal. The 2014 tax reform bill submitted to Diet (Japan's bicameral legislature) will be applicable for taxable years starting 1 April 2014, if passed.

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Mauritius Strengthens Substance Requirements

Mauritius has put in place safeguards for global business companies to minimize the perception that the country is used as a route for avoiding taxes for foreign investments into India. This move also comes in order to help build status as a preferred global financial centre. Mauritius has introduced 'greater substance requirements' for global business companies.

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Protocol Amending the Double Taxation Agreement between UK and China

In an expected move, the Protocol to the Double Taxation Agreement between the UK and China recently entered into force on 13 December 2013. The provisions of the protocol include a reduction in withholding tax to 5% on inter-company dividends and are applicable in China from 1 January 2014. The same shall apply in the UK on or after 1 April 2014 for corporate taxes and from 6 April 2014 for income and capital gains taxes.

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Russia Explains the Benefits of Electronic Document Management

The Russian government has issued details of a new electronic document management system. Effective 1 January 2014, payers of Value Added Tax (VAT) will be required to submit VAT returns electronically by TCS through an operator of electronic document.

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The French Government Announces Tax Reforms for 2015

France has announced plans to reform the tax system in 2015. Changes are likely to fuse personal income tax with the generalized social contribution (CSG). Interestingly, such a move may need detailed analysis due to a structural difference between these two taxes. Tax incentives do not affect the tax base of the CSG; thus, CSG has a broader tax base than personal income tax.

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About Nair & Co.

Nair & Co., the leader in international business expansion services, provides accounting, HR, legal, tax and compliance services for the set up and management of your international operations. Our model of a single-point-of-contact, supported by internal teams of experienced advisors, helps clients expand business and manage risk so they can focus on their core business and sustain growth with minimal risk, stress and cost. We support nearly 250 clients in over 70 countries. Nair & Co. is headquartered in Bristol, UK, has 450 employees and offices in China, India, Japan, Singapore, and the US. Learn more at

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Gutenberg Communications for Nair & Co.
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