VIVIDEND INCOME FUND LIMITED - Linked Unitholder Notification
9 December 2013 17:05
VIF 201312090059A
Linked Unitholder Notification

Vividend Income Fund Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration Number 2010/003232/06)
JSE Alpha Code: VIF
ISIN: ZAE000150918
("Vividend" or "the Company")


Linked unitholders are referred to the SENS announcement dated 6
December released by Arrowhead Property Limited ("Arrowhead"),
whereby Arrowhead advised that they had acquired a 31.7% interest
in the total issued linked units of the Vividend from Coronation
Fund Managers Limited ("Coronation"). The Company has yet to
receive the formal notification in the prescribed form in
accordance with section 122(3)(b) of the Companies Act No 71 of
2008, as amended, and section 3.83(b) of the Listings Requirements
from Arrowhead and Coronation. Vividend will advise linked
unitholders once same has been received.

9 December 2013
Cape Town

PSG Capital

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