NEW YORK, Jan. 12, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Varick, an audience-centric digital marketing company, announced today its solution to the widespread brand safety concerns endured by marketers across the industry. Varick’s Quality Code, which entails a rigorous process of checks and balances, ensures that brands are provided with a unique and secure solution for each stage of their customer’s online journey without compromising the quality of their media. 


Marketers today are dealing with qualms surrounding digital advertising and the unnecessary risks that are associated with it. According to a study by the CMO Council, 37% of consumer’s rethink purchasing from brands that advertise next to objectionable content. With the onslaught of recent ad placement controversies, marketers are rightfully worried about losing customers as well as ruining their reputation. Additional fears around viewability, ad fraud and most recently – unease about what happens to consumer data once it’s collected – have marketers challenging the industry to fix the current landscape.

Varick’s Quality Code was created to reinstate marketers’ confidence with their media campaigns. These procedures provide a proactive approach to safety, and also enable optimizations that are necessary for success, based on the camapaign’s unique goals. With an integrated approach to media quality and data compliance, brands can expect the following from Varick’s Quality Code:

  • Inventory analysis: A spectrum of quality inventory to help achieve goals and maximize reach. Additionally, Varick uses companywide whitelists, content blockers and inherently safe channels to ensure the utmost security for your brand.
  • Accountability through pre-bid and post-bid third party measurement partners that drive optimizations.
  • Proprietary algorithms that filter and flag toward bot activity, non-viewable placements and low completion rates.
  • The highest level of data protection and always-on compliancy with the strictest global measures.

“While brand safety concerns are not new to this industry, the last year was unprecedented in the vocality of marketers (rightfully) demanding change. It has been Varick’s mission from day one to provide our clients with a positive and dependable advertising experience -- avoid the murkiness that exists in our space,” explains Kait Boulos, VP Client Strategy & Partnerships at Varick. “The Varick Quality Code underpins our media activations and ensures your ad dollars are working in safe, fraud-free environments.”

About Varick
Varick is an audience centric digital marketing company that uses state of the art technology to provide agencies and brands with full funnel, cross-channel strategies to drive brand marketing objectives. Varick, a pioneer in the programmatic space since 2008 was originally founded on New York’s historic Varick Street. Now headquartered in the heart of midtown, Varick continues to bring the fast paced spirit of the digital world to a global audience.
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Maribel Henriquez