Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "U.S. Nitrogenous Fertilizer Market - Analysis And Forecast to 2020" report to their offering.

The report provides an in-depth analysis of the U.S. Nitrogenous Fertilizer market. It presents the latest data of the market size and volume, domestic production, exports and imports, price dynamics and turnover in the industry. In addition, the report contains insightful information about the industry, including industry life cycle, business locations, productivity, employment and many other crucial aspects. The Company Profiles section contains relevant data on the major players in the industry.

Product coverage:

  • Synthetic ammonia, nitric acid, and ammonium compounds
  • Urea
  • Fertilizer materials of organic origin, including activated sewage sludge, processed tankage, and other natural fertilizer materials
  • Nitrogenous fertilizer manufacturing

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction

2. Executive Summary

3. Market Overview

4. Domestic Production

5. Imports

6. Exports

7. Competitive Landscape

8. Company Profiles

  • Ineos Americas
  • CF Industries Holdings
  • Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
  • Agrium Advanced Technologies (U.S.)
  • Apache Nitrogen Products Incorporated
  • Turf Care Supply Corp.
  • Buddy's Plant Plus Corporation
  • The Scotts Company
  • Cvr Partners
  • Dakota Gasification Company
  • Terra Industries
  • Frit
  • Nutra-Flo Company
  • Trans-Resources
  • CF Industries Sales
  • Terra Nitrogen Company
  • Pcs Nitrogen
  • Terra Mississippi Nitrogen
  • Rentech Nitrogen
  • Hyponex Corporation
  • US Test Company 301
  • Koch Fertilizer
  • Flo Kay Industries
  • Pcs Nitrogen Fertilizer Operations
  • Terra Capital
  • Rentech Nitrogen
  • B2b Uat Buyer Company
  • Pryor Chemical Company
  • Peach Bottom Transport

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