Ultimus Fund Solutions (Ultimus) announced today that it was selected by Ryan Labs Asset Management (Ryan Labs) to provide fund administration services for the firm's recently launched fixed income mutual fund. The firm launched the fund through the Ultimus Managers Trust, in order to provide greater transparency, operational efficiency and daily performance reporting capabilities plus provide a mutual fund vehicle option for its institutional clients. Ryan Labs is the latest investment manager to choose Ultimus' series trust platform to launch a fund, validating the firm's position as a leader in the mutual fund administration space.

“Ryan Labs wanted a product that offered operational efficiencies and client transparency for its institutional clients, and the Ultimus Managers Trust proved to be the best way to bring a new fund to market,” said Bob Dorsey, Co-Founder and Managing Director at Ultimus. "By using our series trust platform, they were able to leverage an established board and a strong infrastructure while gaining access to our team of experts. We're honored that they put their confidence in us to not only launch this fund but to help them grow it in the future."

Based in New York City, Ryan Labs has approximately $5.1 billion of assets under management in fixed income portfolios for institutional clients.

“Throughout the product development phase and the process of bringing the mutual fund to market, Ultimus has consistently shown their expertise and understanding of the fund market place,” Sean McShea, President of Ryan Labs said. “They have proven time and again to be a strong partner and we look forward to continue our work with them.”

About Ultimus Fund Solutions

Ultimus Fund Solutions provides highly customized and comprehensive mutual fund services to small-and medium-sized fund groups. The company offers mutual fund startup and organization services, fund administration, fund accounting, transfer agent and distribution services for both open-end and closed-end funds. Ultimus’ broad range of services are performed by teams of CPAs, attorneys, paralegals and other professionals with a wealth of mutual fund experience.

For more information, visit www.ultimusfundsolutions.com.