WASHINGTON, Jan. 15, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) honored Mayor Mike Rawlings with its signature "American Business Champion" award, presented on January 13, 2015 at the USHCC Foundation's "Celebrating America's Business Future" Networking Reception in Dallas, Texas. This accolade has previously been bestowed upon Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, and former San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro.

"The USHCC is delighted to honor Dallas Mayor Rawlings with our 'American Business Champion' award. As a former CEO of a major American company, civic leader, and now the city's top elected official, Mike Rawlings has proved himself a true champion for business and the community and has helped Dallas grow further as an economic powerhouse, attracting worldwide business and tourism," said USHCC President & CEO Javier Palomarez. "It was an honor to be joined by Mayor Rawlings at our first event of 2015 -- what is sure to be a transformative year."

The USHCC's "American Business Champion" award pays tribute to an elected official who actively champions the interests of business owners as a means to serving the public good. Since taking office in 2011, Mayor Rawlings has launched numerous economic and educational initiatives that have improved the lives of residents and families, and has garnered support from both the private and public sectors to grow businesses and reinvest in the city's Southern district.

"I'm truly humbled to receive the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce's American Business Champion Award, and look forward to strengthening our ties with USHCC to ensure Dallas stays a business friendly city," Rawlings said.

Before becoming the Mayor of Dallas, Mike Rawlings served as CEO of Pizza Hut, and Chairman of the Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau. Under his leadership, the Bureau contributed over $400 million to the city's economy. Rawlings has also been recognized for leading a city-wide initiative that successfully reduced the rate of homelessness by 57% over five years.

"Mayor Rawlings is a pragmatic and future-focused leader, whose ability to galvanize the support of non-profit, business, and civic groups continues to make Dallas a premier destination," said USHCC Foundation Chairman Nina Vaca. "Our organization is delighted to honor him with this award, and we look forward to working with him alongside business leaders in the Dallas area."

About the USHCC Foundation

The USHCC Foundation is the philanthropic and educational arm of the USHCC. The mission of the USHCC Foundation is to enrich experiences of current and future leaders in the world of business through life-long learning and support. The Foundation's initiatives awaken and nurture the entrepreneurial spirit, support business growth, strengthen local chambers and foster leaders. Visit www.ushccfoundation.org.

About the USHCC

Founded in 1979, the USHCC actively promotes the economic growth and development of our nation's entrepreneurs. The USHCC advocates on behalf of nearly 3.2 million Hispanic-owned businesses, that together contribute in excess of $486 billion to the American economy each year. As the leading organization of its kind, the USHCC serves as the umbrella to more than 200 local chambers and business associations nationwide, and partners with more than 240 major corporations throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
For more information, visit www.ushcc.com
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CONTACT: Ammar Campa-Najjar 
         Director of Communications and Marketing