U.S. Soybeans and Products Supply and Use (Domestic Measure) 1/ 
Item                           2019/2020                      2020/2021 
                             prev     Jul 10            prev            Jul 10 
SOYBEANS                                Million acres 
 Planted                     76.1       76.1           83.5 *          83.8 ** 
 Harvested                   75.0       75.0           82.8 *          83.0 ** 
Yield per harvested 
 acre                        47.4       47.4           49.8 *          49.8 ** 
                                     Million bushels 
 Beginning stocks             909        909              585              620 
 Production                 3,552      3,552            4,125            4,135 
 Imports                       15         15               15               15 
 Supply, total              4,476      4,476            4,725            4,770 
 Crushings                  2,140      2,155            2,145            2,160 
 Exports                    1,650      1,650            2,050            2,050 
 Seed                          97         97              100              100 
 Residual                       4        -46               35               35 
 Use, total                 3,891      3,857            4,330            4,345 
 Ending stocks                585        620              395              425 
 Avg farm prc ($/bu) 2/      8.50       8.55             8.20             8.50 
                                    Million pounds 
Beginning stocks            1,775      1,775            1,940            2,020 
Production 4/              24,590     24,695           24,860           25,035 
Imports                       375        350              400              400 
Supply, total              26,740     26,820           27,200           27,455 
Domestic Disappearance     22,100     21,950           23,000           23,000 
Biodiesel 3/                7,400      7,400            8,000            8,000 
Food,Feed & Other 
            Industrial     14,700     14,550           15,000           15,000 
Exports                     2,700      2,850            2,200            2,400 
Use, total                 24,800     24,800           25,200           25,400 
Ending stocks               1,940      2,020            2,000            2,055 
Avg farm prc (c/lb) 2/      28.50      28.75            29.00            29.00 
                                  Thousand short tons 
Beginning stocks              402        402              375              375 
Production 4/              50,323     50,623           50,525           50,975 
Imports                       600        600              400              400 
Supply, total              51,325     51,625           51,300           51,750 
Domestic                   37,500     37,800           37,800           38,100 
Exports                    13,450     13,450           13,100           13,250 
Use, total                 50,950     51,250           50,900           51,350 
Ending stocks                 375        375              400              400 
Avg farm prc ($/s.t) 2/    295.00     300.00           290.00           300.00 
Note:  Totals may not add due to rounding.  Reliability calculations at end 
of report.  1/ Marketing year beginning September 1 for soybeans; October 1 
for soybean oil and soybean meal.  2/ Prices: soybeans  marketing year 
weighted average price received by farmers; oil  simple average of crude 
soybean oil  Decatur; meal  simple average of 48 percent protein  Decatur. 
3/ Reflects only biodiesel made from methyl ester as reported by the U.S. 
Energy Information Administration.  4/ Based on an October year crush of 2 
155 million bushels for 2019/20 and 2 160 million bushels for 2020/21. 
*Planted acres are reported in the March 31  2020 Prospective Plantings 
report.  Harvested acres are based on the 5-year average harvested-to-planted 
ratio.  **Planted and harvested acres are from the June 30  2020 Acreage 
report.  The projected yield is based on a weather-adjusted trend model. 
Write to Linda Rice at csstat@dowjones.com