STORY: :: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak goes hunting for votes among robots

:: kicking off his first campaign stop of the day before 5 a.m.

:: July 2, 2024

:: Luton, England

Sunak started the penultimate day before Thursday's (July 4) vote in a vast Ocado warehouse in Luton, north of London.

He donned a neon yellow, high-vis jacket to help staff pick avocados and other salad items at Ocado, one of Britain's most successful technology businesses.

Sunak, a former investment banker, has travelled across the country during the campaign for the surprise election, giving speeches and attending several hustings a day. He spoke at a rally late on Monday evening (July 1) and is scheduled to attend events through Tuesday and into the evening.

Despite the effort the polls have hardly budged, with Keir Starmer's opposition Labour Party holding an around 20 point lead and many voters saying they want change 14 years in power for Sunak's Conservatives.