The rally in gilts came as German government bonds slid following a poorly received Bund auction and reports about the European Central Bank's plans to buy billions of euros of bonds a month to head off deflation.

The yield premium which 10-year gilts offer over Bunds narrowed by the biggest margin in more than three years, plummeting by 12 basis points to a two-month low of 96.0 basis points.

"It's an unusual day when gilts and Bunds have moved in polar oppositive directions," said RBS fixed income strategist Simon Peck.

The last time there was such a sharp one-day fall was in November 2011, when there were fears that the euro zone itself could fall apart due to debt problems on its periphery.

Five-year gilts led the rally, with yields breaking below 1 percent to come within a whisker of Friday's 18-month low of 0.948 percent before finishing 4 basis points lower on the day at 0.99 percent.

Ten-year gilt yields dropped 3 basis points on the day to 1.50 percent, after briefly hitting its lowest since August 2012 at 1.457 percent.

By contrast, 10-year Bund yields rose 8 basis points as markets bet that an unprecedented ECB bond purchasing programme, which they expect to be announced on Thursday, would succeed in boosting inflation in the bloc.

Ten-year gilts also outperformed U.S. Treasury bonds with the yield Treasuries offered over gilts jumping to 34 basis points from 24 basis points.

Only one of 24 economists polled by Reuters had expected BoE policymakers Martin Weale and Ian McCafferty to drop their calls for a rate rise this month, despite a fall in British inflation in December to a 14-year low of 0.5 percent.

Both men cited the risk of low inflation becoming entrenched if rates rose now, and the BoE said it saw a "roughly even" chance of inflation falling below zero at some point in the first six months of 2015.

Short sterling rate futures <0#FSS:> rallied and financial markets pushed back their expectations for a first BoE rate rise to around June 2016. Just a few months ago, before oil prices plunged, a rate rise was priced in for February 2015.

However, the BoE said that if anything, the medium-term upward pressures on inflation might have increased, as lower mortgage rates and signs of higher wages increased households' spending power.

(Reporting by David Milliken; Editing by Alison Williams)