8 January 2014

Retirement of Jil Matheson as National Statistician in Summer 2014

The National Statistician, Jil Matheson, will retire in Summer 2014 after almost five years in post. Speaking today, Sir Andrew Dilnot, Chair of the UK Statistics Authority, paid tribute to Jil Matheson:
"Jil's professional leadership of the UK statistical system over the last five years as National Statistician has been exemplary and with her retirement we will lose a highly influential, engaging and trusted ambassador who has unfailingly articulated the importance of high quality, trusted official statistics to countless different audiences far and wide, both at home and abroad. Over her almost 40 years in the Civil Service, Jil has brought great wisdom, judgment and wise counsel to a number of roles within the statistical service, and she has been instrumental in shaping and developing the Office for National Statistics and wider UK statistical system for continuing success in the future.
"In my time as Chair of the Statistics Authority, I have been struck by how Jil engages, encourages and empowers colleagues to deliver of their best and, despite an unenviable diary of appointments, always ensures that she makes time to talk to anyone who might pass her desk, or meet her in the corridor, or even at the bus stop, in her typically relaxed, approachable and informal way. These are among the remarkable personal qualities which we will sorely miss.
"While Jil won't be retiring until the summer, on behalf of the Board and staff of the UK Statistics Authority I would like to pay tribute, here, to Jil for all she has achieved. Jil will be a very hard act to follow. We say a heartfelt 'thank you' for her dedication, commitment and service to UK official statistics, and wish Jil all the very best for the future."
An open competition to recruit Jil's successor will commence shortly and further details will be published on the Appointments page of the UK Statistics Authority website.1

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For media enquiries about this Statement please contact +44 (0)7786 892263

1 http://www.statisticsauthority.gov.uk/appointments/index.html

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