Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "U.S. Metal Household Furniture Market - Analysis And Forecast to 2020" report to their offering.

The report provides an in-depth analysis of the U.S. metal household furniture market. It presents the latest data of the market size and volume, domestic production, exports and imports, price dynamics and turnover in the industry. In addition, the report contains insightful information about the industry, including industry life cycle, business locations, productivity, employment and many other crucial aspects. The Company Profiles section contains relevant data on the major players in the industry.

Product coverage:

  • Metal household furniture, dining room and kitchen, including padded and plain seating, tables, cabinets, and carts
  • Metal household furniture, outdoor and casual (including beach, lawn, garden, and porch), non-upholstered, assembled and ready-to-assemble
  • Metal household furniture, other types, non-upholstered
  • Metal household furniture manufacturing

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction

1.1 Report Description

1.2 Report Structure

1.3 Research Methodology

2. Executive Summary

2.1 Key Findings

2.2 Market Trends

3. Market Overview

3.1 Market Value

3.2 Trade Balance

3.3 Market Opportunities

3.4 Market Forecast To 2020

4. Domestic Production

4.1 Production In 2008-2015

4.2 Production By Type

4.3 Production By State

4.4 Producer Prices

5. Imports

5.1 Imports In 2007-2015

5.2 Imports By Type

5.3 Imports By Country

5.4 Import Prices By Country

6. Exports

6.1 Exports In 2007-2015

6.2 Exports By Type

6.3 Exports By Country

6.4 Export Prices By Country

7. Competitive Landscape

7.1 Industry Snapshots

7.2 Industry Life Cycle

7.3 Business Locations

7.4 Employment

7.5 Annual Payroll

7.6 Industry Productivity

7.7 Establishment Size And Legal Form

8. Company Profiles

  • Summer Infant
  • RSI Home Products
  • Purcell Systems
  • Kln Steel Products Company
  • Rio Brands
  • Cole Kepro International
  • Tropitone Furniture Co.
  • Southern Aluminum Manufacturing
  • Nambe
  • Telescope Casual Furniture
  • Webcoat
  • Graco Children's Products
  • Wabash Valley Manufacturing
  • Hollywood Bed & Spring Mfg. Co.
  • Poly-Wood
  • Mantua Manufacturing Co.
  • Robern
  • Wesley Allen
  • Brown Jordan Company
  • Henry Crown and Company
  • Pavilion Furniture
  • Woodard-Cm
  • Murray's Iron Works
  • Swaim
  • Warren Homes
  • Chicago American Manufacturing
  • US Test Company 221
  • Metal Box International Kln Manufacturing

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