WASHINGTON, Jan. 22, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Tax Council Policy Institute (TCPI) announced today that U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), chairman of the powerful U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Ways and Means, will deliver the opening keynote speech on "Day One" of its 19th Annual Tax Policy and Practice Symposium, Feb. 15-16, 2018, at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C.

The two-day TCPI symposium, "Disruption and opportunity in the era of global tax transformation," will bring together leading tax professionals and policymakers from government, academia and the private sector, to explore emerging policy considerations, share insights, and exchange practical strategies for managing and mitigating the disruptions that changes in tax policy create.

"As the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee – the chief tax-writing committee of the House – Congressman Brady is one of the most highly respected and influential voices on Capitol Hill, spearheading the recent successful enactment of long-awaited tax reform embodied in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. There really is no one better suited to set the stage for this particular conference and we are honored to have him as our opening keynote speaker," said Lynda K. Walker, Esq., executive director and general counsel of TCPI.  

"What an exciting time to have Chairman Brady address the tax community, following the passage of comprehensive tax reform legislation. We welcome his valuable insights on how the new tax law will affect U.S. competitiveness and what businesses can expect on the tax policy agenda in the near future," said Banks Edwards, managing partner, Deloitte Tax LLP, who leads Deloitte's Washington National Tax practice and is the program manager for this year's TCPI Symposium.

Chairman Brady is the 65th chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, the oldest committee of Congress. He unveiled bold tax reform legislation in November to overhaul America's tax code for the first time in 31 years, a version of which was signed into law by President Trump shortly before the end of the year. Sponsors hope the revised tax code will help grow the U.S. economy, bring jobs back to local communities and entice employers to bring their headquarters and jobs back home.

Chairman Brady has served as a representative from Texas' 8th Congressional District since 1997. Before his election to Congress, Brady served six years in the Texas House of Representatives and was a chamber of commerce executive for 18 years.

Topics to be addressed at the TCPI symposium will include: the C-suite perception of tax disruption and its short- and mid-term impact on key decisions and operations; the state of U.S. tax reform, including an exploration of how it may change future tax and business decisions for domestic and global enterprises; global tax legislative and enforcement trends and predictions, including the upheaval stemming from OECD, EU, and G20 actions and proposals; and strategies and tools to meet these challenges within an evolving tax workplace. For more details, including registration and exhibitor information, please contact TCPI at 201-822-8062 or visit TCPI's website at www.tcpi.org.   

About The Tax Council Policy Institute (TCPI)

TCPI is a non-profit, non-partisan, 501(c)(3) public policy research and educational organization. It was created to help bring about a better understanding of significant tax policies that impact businesses and the economy through careful study, thoughtful evaluation and open discussion. The annual Tax Policy & Practice Symposium is one of the programs utilized by TCPI to accomplish its mission.

About Deloitte Tax LLP

Deloitte Tax helps clients lead the transformation of the tax function into a strategic partner that supports growth and sustained profitability within an organization. With deep experience across a broad range of services and industries, Deloitte Tax has more than 10,000 trusted advisors who combine their knowledge of tax technical resources and technology to uncover insights and smarter solutions for clients in today's complex global and regulatory environment. For more information visit http://www.deloitte.com/us/tax. Join us on twitter @DeloitteTax.


Melissa Curtis and Sofia Barbieri
Deloitte Services LP
617.480.8590 / 212.436.3073
mecurtis@deloitte.com / sobarbieri@deloitte.com

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SOURCE Tax Council Policy Institute