Turn-Key Health, an Advanced Illness Management (AIM) company serving health plans and at-risk provider organizations focusing on the senior population, announces the release of its white paper “Over-Medicalized Care at the End-of-Life in the United States: Addressing the Economic and Social Consequences.” The paper highlights the benefits of Palliative Illness Management™ – PIM™, a solution designed for healthcare payers and at-risk provider organizations serving seniors, and examines the overall economic burdens of advanced illness at the end-of-life, including important demographics, trends and economic factors.

“To help tackle the impact of a senior population projected to grow by 135 percent by 2050, PIM™ deploys community-based palliative care teams complemented by predictive analytics, and identifies individuals earlier in the disease trajectory to support patient and family caregiver engagement,” says Greer Myers, president, Turn-Key Health. “For payer-driven population health programs, this approach has a positive, significant impact on the overall economic healthcare burden, mitigating patient and caregiver financial consequences and improving member/patient satisfaction.”

Myers adds that seniors with life-limiting illnesses often suffer through unnecessary, even harmful treatments despite overriding expert opinion that, at some point, more disease treatment does not equal better care. Nevertheless, 40+ percent of these households face medical bills that exceed their financial assets.

PIM™ is a specialized approach that relies upon an interdisciplinary, medically directed team of healthcare professionals, including a physician, nurses practicing at the top of their license, home health aides, social workers, spiritual support and volunteers executing on a strategy that is holistic, data-driven and evidence-based.

Myers concludes, “In conjunction with the treating physician, the nurse and social worker-led palliative care team establishes goals of care and develops care plans. This approach helps to support decision-making, measure and demonstrate the value of care to the patient, and enhance reporting to the healthcare system and payer.”

About Turn-Key Health

Turn-Key Health, a subsidiary of Enclara Healthcare, is an Advanced Illness Management (AIM) company for healthcare payers and at-risk provider organizations serving seniors. Its Palliative Illness Management™ (PIM™) model introduces a new option to improve care quality, address costs and reduce burdens associated with life-limiting illnesses. Visit http://www.turn-keyhealth.com.