Truvolo today unveiled a well-connected car solution that stands to make driving safer and smarter. The Truvolo Data mobile platform provides smart alerts and reports via an app to track auto and driver performance, giving users visibility into how their loved ones are driving and insight into how their cars are running. Truvolo has launched an Indiegogo campaign to focus on the production of the smart devices and apps and to give customers the opportunity to preorder the solution. To view or contribute to the Truvolo Indiegogo campaign, visit Truvolo's Indiegogo page.

Truvolo conducted an independent survey focusing on pain points that car owners/parents face when it comes to their teens driving. Among the findings:

  • Over 77% of parents worry about their kids speeding
  • Over 73% of parents worry about their kids texting while driving
  • Over 83% of parents would consider buying a product that can help improve the safety of their loved ones while driving

Truvolo's platform looks to address these concerns with a platform that sends alerts when the car surpasses a certain speed, when loved ones reach their destinations and updates on car performance along with any potential problems. Truvolo also plans to add features that will address texting behind the wheel in the near future.

"As a parent, I share the same concerns as others when it comes to handing the keys over to my child," said Jaideep Jain, founder and CEO, Truvolo. "As a result we've created a platform that allows us to stay well connected without impeding on our child's freedom. The end result is a solution that gives peace of mind to car owners and parents, whether they're behind the wheel or not."

Another key feature of Truvolo's solution is the ability to track auto performance, which can ultimately reduce annual maintenance costs. With Truvolo, users receive information from a vehicle's internal system providing information on items such as the check engine light or fuel efficiency. As a result, Truvolo users will no longer have to rely solely on the word of a mechanic when addressing car issues. Additionally, Truvolo utilizes a big data platform that allows for predictive analytics designed to prevent failures before they occur.

"Over 75% of car owners we've talked to use the sticker on the windshield to track their routine maintenance schedule," adds Jain. "Truvolo is replacing that service sticker and putting the power and control back into the hands of the car owner. With Truvolo, users will have unprecedented insight into their vehicles which may not only save them money, but potentially their lives."

For more information on Truvolo and its Indiegogo campaign, visit

Truvolo Social Media:
Twitter: @GoTruvolo

About Truvolo:
Truvolo delivers peace of mind to drivers. The Truvolo Data mobile platform provides smart alerts and reports to track auto and driver performance. With a click of a button, users can quickly gain visibility into how their loved ones are driving and the diagnostics of the car to enhance the reliability of both. Ultimately, Truvolo provides trusted data that can increase safety, while reducing annual maintenance costs. To become a well-connected driver, sign up for the Truvolo solution today here.

for Truvolo
Loughlin/Michaels Group
Woody Mosqueda, 408-993-9113