The so-called "Freedom Convoy" started out - days ago - as a rally against a vaccine requirement for cross-border truckers:

UNNAMED TRUCKER: "Oh I'm not vaccinated. So I left before the 15th of January, the rule in the States wasn't in place yet but I have other friends who say even no vaccinated now, right now, the U.S. Customs, they're not enforcing that. So they're still going there. The problem is when you come back."

But the protest evolved to a demonstration against government overreach during the pandemic.

Scores of trucks from across the country - some of which made it to the city on Friday - lined up in front of parliament, blowing their horns, as thousands of people gathered peacefully on the snow-covered lawn of parliament.

The violent rhetoric used by the some of the promoters on social media in the run-up to the protest has worried police, who were out in force on Saturday.

The CBC reported Trudeau and his family left their downtown home due to security concerns.

On Friday, Trudeau told the Canadian Press he was worried about possible violence connected with the demonstration. Earlier this week he said the convoy represented a "small fringe minority" who do not represent the views of Canadians.

About 90% of Canada's cross-border truckers and 77% of the population have had two COVID vaccination shots.