During this year’s Texas Intelligent Transportation Systems Annual Meeting in Houston, Trafficware customer The City of Baytown was awarded the Distinguished Service Best of ITS Award for implementation and testing of an adaptive traffic signal network that spanned two years. The system provides Houston metropolitan area motorists one of the most advanced traffic management systems in the area.

Trafficware Senior Vice President Jeff Spinazze explains, “Communities are challenged to increase the capacity of existing roadway systems, maintaining environments conducive to healthy economic growth and sustaining a high quality of life for the community.”

“Baytown particularly stands out because they used independent data from TrafficCast Bluetooth readers to precisely measure and quantify results, validating the positive impact that Trafficware’s SynchroGreen adaptive traffic system can deliver and subsequently warrant future investments in the infrastructure.”

Baytown is a major hub for oil refining, chemical, plastics and rubber manufacturing and implemented the adaptive system on some of the busiest corridors that serve as vital links for a concentration of commercial and retail businesses experiencing unpredictable levels of congestion.

The initiative included a complete solution of central based Trafficware ATMS and SynchroGreen adaptive software, new Linux-based 980ATC traffic controllers, wireless magnetometer POD detection, wireless communications, video for monitoring and BlueTOAD travel time equipment for validation.

To measure the overall system effectiveness, Baytown utilized data from the BlueTOAD Bluetooth readers for precise, accurate and historical travel time comparisons. Before and after data clearly showed travel-time reductions averaging a healthy 20‐25%.

For cost savings and to meet tight commitments, the City’s Public Works Department took ownership of the system installation and self‐installed 100% of the detection, communication and validation system.

Baytown serves as a role model for other Texas communities challenged to deploy advanced traffic systems and manage increasing demands on their infrastructure network. CEO Jon Newhard added, “At Trafficware, we measure our success by the success of our customers. We congratulate the recognition that Baytown has received as we have celebrated the success of other Trafficware agencies that have received Best of ITS awards such as Sugar Land, TX; Palo Alto, CA; and Norwalk, CT.”

About Trafficware

Trafficware, based outside of Houston, specializes in research, design, and development of electronic equipment and software for the transportation industry. Trafficware’s industry expertise includes hands-on experience solving traffic management challenges around the world, earning the company a reputation for unmatched quality. The company’s flagship Synchro® traffic simulation and analysis product alone is used by engineers in more than 90 countries around the world. The company also manufactures a full line of traffic equipment at its 100,000 square-foot technology center. Trafficware’s growth is backed by KRG Capital Partners, a private equity firm with more than $4 billion in capital.