Friday, May 26th, the Emerging Europe Blended Cap ETF market experienced a 2.38% increase in performance, with the market totalling 358 Mn EUR and comprising of 17 ETFs. Notably, the Finans Asset Management Dow Jones Istanbul 20 Equity Intensive ETF (DJIST) saw a 3.55% daily return, while the Expat Czech PX UCITS ETF (CZX), Expat Croatia CROBEX UCITS ETF (ECDC), and Expat Slovenia SBI TOP UCITS ETF (SLQX) witnessed daily returns of 0.22%, 0.34%, and 0.34%, respectively.

The daily returns of the aforementioned ETFs were driven by POWSZECHNA KASA OSZCZEDNOSCI ORD (PKO), which saw a 3.19% daily return, and a 2.38% return over one week. Overall, this uptick reflects positively on the Emerging Europe Blended Cap ETF market, with investors keenly watching ongoing developments.

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