ESG-tilted investors added $130 million into Sustainable Development Bonds (SDBs) ETFs this year despite yielding negative returns (average -6.2%). The theme is currently comprised of 9 EU-domiciled ETFs with cumulative assets under management of $2.77 billion.

What are Sustainable Development Bonds (SDBs)?

SDBs are fixed income securities issued by private or public entities to finance activities or projects linked to sustainable development and aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The issuers of SDBs issue bonds contractually state the interest rate (coupon) that will be paid and the time at which the bond principal must be returned (maturity date). Some of the major issuers of Sustainable Development Bank bonds include European Development Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank – to name a few.

List of Sustainable Development Bonds ETFs and their AUM

  • UBS ETF – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc - USD (MDBUA): $833 million
  • UBS ETF – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF A-acc - EUR Hedged (MDBE): $555 million
  • UBS ETF – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF A-acc - CHF Hedged (MDBC): $211 million
  • iShares $ Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF - C - USD (DDBB): $197 million
  • iShares $ Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc) - EUR (UEEG): $183 million
  • UBS ETF - Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis distributing - GBP (MDBG): $177 million
  • iShares $ Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF - Acc - CHF Hedged (IDBB): $49 million
  • UBS ETF – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis - USD (MDBU): $44 million
  • iShares $ Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF - GBP Hedged (DDBG): $28 million

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