General Assembly (GA) today announced a group of over 30 companies using common standards to identify candidates for careers in marketing. Each member of the group has committed to interviewing top scorers on an industry-led assessment, the Certified Marketer Level 1 (CM1). The CM1 was developed by the Marketing Standards Board, a group of leading executives committed to the establishment of clear, unbiased standards to define and validate the skills of professional and aspiring marketers.

“Some of the world's best marketers come from non-traditional backgrounds”, says Vikram Bhaskaran, Head of Market Development at Pinterest. “This initiative builds a broader talent pipeline by letting anyone interested show off their skills, and provides common standards that the marketing professional has lacked.”

According to Burning Glass, the number of job postings in digital marketing has nearly doubled in the last five years; nearly half of all job openings in the field call for digital skills. To evaluate the potential of job seekers in relation to demands in the world of work, the CM1 assessment requires test-takers to solve realistic problems in modern marketing channels.

CM1 maps to the first step of the Marketing Career Framework published by the Marketing Standards Board, and covers fundamental skills including customer insight, creative development, marketing channels and execution, analytics and marketing technology. The assessment is designed to assess practical skills, regardless of prior work history. Companies have agreed to interview top candidates based on their scores, with no other criteria other than a U.S. work authorization.

4,000 job-seekers registered to take the CM1 assessment, which is also being used across the marketing industry to measure and benchmark the skills of professional marketers. GA has provided all registrants with a study guide, sample assessment and access to the CM1 at no charge. The top 10% of scorers are eligible for interviews with employers in the consortium.

“We’re proud to be partnering with the industry’s leading voices to increase transparency and access to marketing careers,” said Kieran Luke, GM Assessments at General Assembly. “This initiative provides a model for solving the skills gap, where employers rally around common standards and provide opportunities based on capabilities, regardless of background.”

Participating companies represent a cross-section of industries, including the consumer, finance, media, professional services and technology sectors. These companies include Adia, Away, Bonobos, Calvin Klein, Inc, Care/Of, Day One Agency, Focus Brands, Industrious, Kepler Group, Lee Hecht Harrison, L'Oréal, Lyft, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, New Belgium Brewery, Nucleus Marketing Solutions, Priceline, Pinterest, Sailthru, Slice, S&P Global, Vettery, Xivic, Yoss and 2nd Address.

“As someone who took the path less traveled, I worry that those with unique or challenging backgrounds are often judged on the experiences they have had, more so than their potential to contribute,” said Kat Cole, President of Focus Brands. “Participating in this initiative is a way for us to show our commitment to hiring top talent, regardless of who they are or where they come from.”

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