The "The UK Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) Flooring Market" report has been added to Research and Markets' offering.

This report on the UK Commercial Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) Market includes key data such as market size, brand share, reasons for buying specific brands, market forecast, specification data and feedback on loose lay LVT.

The commercial luxury vinyl tile (LVT) market is defined as contractor installed product in non-residential (commercial) projects such as offices, shops, hospitals and schools. The report covers both dry back and loose lay LVT products.

This report is primarily based on an extensive telephone interview programme with flooring contractors. The key sources of data are as follows:

  • telephone market research programme with 100 flooring contractors involved in the commercial LVT market. The flooring contractors are spread across the UK and cover a range of business sizes.
  • desk research using government statistics, Leading Edges construction forecast model, company brochures, trade magazines and other publicly available information.
  • discussions with LVT manufacturers and distributors to determine market size.
  • data and trends from previous reports on this market published in 2006, 2008, 2011, 2014.

Key Topics Covered:

The report includes over 40 tables and graphs and over 150 quotes from flooring contractors. The section headings within the report are as follows:

  1. LVT market size and forecast growth
  2. Size and growth by market sector
  3. Market share by brand
  4. Frequency of use of each brand
  5. Market share by tile design
  6. Reasons for selecting LVT supplier - market and by key supplier
  7. Route to market - direct, distribution, client
  8. Ratings of brands - price, quality, design
  9. Areas for brands to improve
  10. Loose lay LVT - % of overall market, % by product type
  11. Loose lay LVT - reasons for using, decision process
  12. Loose lay LVT - usage by brand
  13. Pricing by wear layer by brand
  14. Specification market - most likely brands to be specified
  15. Specification market - % share of total market; % projects switched
  16. Light commercial and slip resistant products - usage and brands
  17. Type of floor LVT replacing - % by floor type

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