Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "The Top 100 Distributors of Molecular Diagnostics Worldwide" report to their offering.

Did you know?

- Molecular diagnostics has been the cornerstone of Finnish company, Immuno Diagnostic Oy's business for over 20 years.

- Q Bioscience Co., Ltd. has been Abbott Molecular's distributor in Thailand since 2009.

- Diagnostic Technology Pty Ltd has been at the forefront of the introduction and utilisation of molecular based diagnostics in Australia.

- Promociones Médicas S.A. provides its customers in Panama with a complete range of market leading, molecular diagnostics products.

- Representing more than ten international leading diagnostic companies, Onkogen Diagnostik Sistemler Ltd., is the leading company in molecular diagnostics in Turkey.

- Rebeca Miramontes Vidal is Chief Executive Officer of Biodist SA de CV, the leader in molecular diagnostics in Mexico.

- In October, 2016, British distributor, YouMed Ltd. announced an agreement with Mobidiag Ltd., a Finnish molecular diagnostics company, to became an agent for Mobidiag's Amplidiag® in-vitro diagnostic tests and compatible system for the detection of gastrointestinal infections.

These are just a tiny sample of the 1,000's of facts to be found in The Top 100 Distributors Of Molecular Diagnostics Worldwide'.

This unique and comprehensive report identifies and profiles the leading 100 distributors of molecular diagnostics products worldwide. These companies partner with leading manufacturers and sell their products to hospitals and laboratories across Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.

Profile information for each company in The Top 100 Distributors Of Molecular Diagnostics Worldwide' typically includes:

- Company Contact Information - Address, Telephone and Fax Numbers, Email and Website Addresses

- Key Company Decision Makers - From CEO and Main Board, to Key Senior Managers

- Specialised fields such as Company Description, Manufacturers Represented, Countries Served, Year Established, Number of Employees and Ownership.

Report data field structure is as follows:

- Company Name

- Address

- Telephone

- Fax

- Email

- Website

- Parent Company

- Year Established

- Number of Employees

- Key Executives

- Company Description

- Manufacturers Represented

- Countries Served

- Location Status

- Ownership

For more information about this report visit