The Sierra Group of Companies is proud to announce that Sierra Tactical All Asset Fund (SIRRX), formerly known as Sierra Core Retirement Fund, celebrated its 10th anniversary on December 24th, 2017.

“Ten years ago, we chose the name ‘Sierra Core Retirement Fund’ because we wanted to signal that the fund’s conservative mandate and focus on limiting downside risk and volatility can make it appropriate for retirees,” said David Wright, co-founder and managing director at Sierra. “The new name, Sierra Tactical All Asset Fund, more accurately reflects to advisors and investors our concentration on tactical allocation across a wide variety of asset classes, as well as the competitive space we play in.”

The fund utilizes an approach that is globally diversified, tactical, and focused on managing volatility and limiting the downside risk of the overall portfolio, while producing a satisfying return over the course of each market cycle. $10,000 invested in SIRRX at inception would be worth $17,234 today, an average annual return of 5.6% as of December 31st, 2017, for the Class R shares.

Sierra portfolio managers allocate from time-to-time to an unusually wide range of asset classes, including U.S. and international equities and debt, commodities and currencies, and utilize a proprietary trailing stop-loss approach, allowing the fund to function as a total low-volatility global allocation solution. Each allocation decision must serve one or both of the fund’s two goals: to enhance total return and/or to reduce the overall volatility and downside risk of the portfolio.

“The Sierra Tactical All Asset Fund’s distinct tactical approach is nimble enough to allow it to ‘run with the bulls’, but is managed with a specific focus on protecting against downside risk,” continued Mr. Wright. “We can be defensive, and even allocate completely to cash. For example, from inception of the fund through the market bottom of March 9, 2009 SIRRX returned -5.8%, versus -53.4% for the S&P 500. But the fund’s tactical approach allows us to participate in up-markets as well, illustrated by the fact SIRRX fully recovered that drawdown in just four weeks, while the S&P took almost three years. By limiting drawdowns while offering the ability to realize solid gains over a market cycle, we believe Sierra Tactical All Asset Fund will continue to appeal to conservative investors of all kinds.”

As of December 31, 2017  

     1 YR


     3 YR


     5 YR


    10 YR



Sierra Tactical All Asset Fund (SIRRX)   7.73%   3.07%   2.75%   5.62%   5.61%

The inception date of the Sierra Tactical All Asset Fund is December 24, 2007.

The performance data quoted here represents past performance for Class R Shares (symbol SIRRX), and are net of total annual operating expenses of the Class R Shares (see below). For performance numbers current to the most recent month end, please call toll-free 844-727-1813 or visit Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted above. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment in the fund will fluctuate, so that investors’ shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The total annual operating expenses, including expenses of the underlying funds (estimated at 0.60% per year) are 2.31% for Classes A and I, 2.47% for Classes A1, 3.07% for Class C, 2.46% for Class I1 and 2.11% for Class R.

About The Sierra Companies

The Sierra Group of Companies ("Sierra") comprises Sierra Investment Management, Inc., Ocean Park Asset Management Inc., and Wright Fund Management, LLC, which manages the Sierra Mutual Funds, which include the Sierra Tactical All Asset Fund and Sierra Strategic Income Fund.

Since 1987 Sierra has been helping retirees and other conservative investors preserve and grow their wealth. Through the years, Sierra has fine-tuned an investment approach specifically designed to try to limit downside risk and to provide satisfying returns over a market cycle by reflecting Sierra’s current market and manager views. Using decades of strategic research and proven risk management disciplines, Sierra strives to help its clients meet their specific investment goals.

As of December 31st, 2017, Sierra manages or advises over $3.0 billion in assets for conservative clients.

Past performance does not guarantee future results and there is no assurance that any investment strategy will achieve its investment objective. Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Sierra Mutual Funds. This and other information about the funds is contained in the prospectuses and should be read carefully before investing. The prospectus can be obtained on our website or by calling toll free 1-800-729-1467. The Sierra Mutual Funds are distributed by Northern Lights Distributors, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC.

Neither Sierra Investment Management, Inc., Ocean Park Asset Management, Inc. nor Wright Fund Management LLC are affiliated with Northern Lights Distributors, LLC.

The Sierra Tactical All Asset Fund invests in underlying funds, including mutual funds and ETFs. In some instances it may be less expensive for an investor to invest in the underlying funds directly. There is also a risk that investment advisers of those underlying funds may make investment decisions that are detrimental to the performance of the Fund. Investments in underlying funds that own small and mid-capitalization companies may be more vulnerable than larger, more established organizations to adverse business or economic developments. Investments in underlying funds that invest in foreign equity and debt securities could subject the Fund to greater risks including currency fluctuation, economic conditions, and different governmental and accounting standards.

The Sierra Strategic Income Fund invests in underlying funds that may invest in foreign emerging market countries that may have relatively unstable governments, weaker economics, and less-developed legal systems, which do not protect investors. In general, the price of a fixed income security falls when interest rates rise. Underlying fund investments in lower-quality bonds, known as high-yield or junk bonds, present greater risk than bonds of higher quality. Municipal securities are subject to the risk that legislative changes and economic developments may adversely affect the value of the Fund's investments. REIT risks include declines from deteriorating economic conditions, changes in property value, and defaults by borrower. Underlying funds that own small and mid-capitalization companies may be more vulnerable than larger, more established organizations to adverse business or economic developments. In some instances it may be less expensive for an investor to invest in the underlying funds directly.
